What is pine wood?
Pine wood flooring can be quite the option if you want wooden flooring beneath your feet. Its rich glow and softness of the patina will surely transform all your rooms, and the ease of installation that comes along with it will add to the overall value of the flooring option. Pinewood is a kind of soft wood, and is most suitable for areas that are low-traffic and will not have a lot of heavy furniture and/or appliance.
The Advantages of Pine-Wood
Pine wood flooring, as it is with all other softwood options, is unfinished, which gives you the freedom of getting the kind of finish that you like best. The number of options here is endless, ranging from the kind of tung oil to stains and varnish that you can get. Pinewood also costs considerably less than hardwood, and with just a few coats of polyurethane, it will also be free of the problems that moisture may have otherwise caused.
Shopping for the right kind of pine wood
Pinewood comes in many different grades and widths. It can be knot-free along with a straight grain, or can come with more character like large or small knots. The board ends can have a groove and tongue, which is known as end matching. You may not know all about pine wood flooring at first, which is why ordering a sample kit from the supplier help you judge better. The price depends upon factors including the width, grade and source of the pine, with the most expensive option being antique pine. A recommendation is to order material that needs either little or no sanding.
A few key details of the layout require your attention. The groove pine-and-tongue flooring has to be perpendicular with regard to the floor joists. In order to avoid cupping of the wide boards, it is essential that you face-nail these using cut nails that are driven into the joists from the subfloor. In order to ensure accuracy, you should draw the floor plans to scale, and then lay out the boards in rows. Stay careful as you shift the layout for avoiding narrow pieces near the walls, and around areas such as the fireplace. Once that is done, transfer your plan to the floor, chalking out lines at intervals of 3-ft for keeping the rows straight.
Wooden flooring is a great option, and pinewood is surely amongst the best ones you can get- provided you keep simple things like those mentioned above in mind while you go shopping!
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