First impressions have a lasting impact on the mind, more so where décor is concerned. Flooring is one of the most eye-catching of elements that sets the tone of the décor theme. The theme could be of pastel hues or more bold with attention grabbing splash of colours and textures. Of late the flooring preferences have undergone a shift from the carpeted floors to the wooden ones- the apparent reason being the versatility of wood in terms of appearance ,durability, maintenance, hygiene and the immense value it adds to the property.
An earthy ethnic décor has always found favor among people. This calls for a strong earthy flooring. Wooden flooring is the natural choice for its natural profile, warmth and aesthetic appeal. Wood is extremely versatile and can blend well with various architectural styles and décor incorporating different material like brass, bronze, natural stones and fabric. Wood flooring, especially the engineered wood flooring, enhances acoustics as the sound waves are not reflected back as is the case with tiles and shiny surfaces.
Wood flooring has a strong surface which can withstand rough usage especially when there are pets and children around. Wood flooring is milled from timber that is kiln or air dried and cured before sawing into planks. These are then sanded and finished with lacquering. The anti-termite treatment helps preserve the longevity of the wood. While carpeted floors and tiles require replacement, wood flooring once installed stays put for hundreds of years.
Maintenance and hygiene
Wood flooring is relatively easy to clean and maintain unlike carpeted floors and tiles. Mopping, dusting regularly with a cloth mop or vacuuming is sufficient to pet hair and dust particles. Occasionally availing professional help will enhance its lustrous health. Wood being natural, it absorbs odors and does not encourage the growth of allergens which is the main concern with carpeted floors. It has the added benefit of being soft on the knees.
Added value
The varied colors and textures lend a rich character, warmth and a truly distinctive timeless appeal to the décor. Less costly modern production methods have made the wood flooring pocket friendly. The houses with wood flooring have a very high resale value and sell twice as easily as those with other flooring options. This good ol’ décor element may cost a little higher but, in the long run, it is the best investment in terms of aesthetics, durability, family health and the added value of the property.
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