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Vintage home décor ideas

Vintage home décor ideas

People   love a vintage look for their homes. It brings an old-world charm to the   home. However, vintage furniture and fittings can be extremely expensive as   well as hard to find. Here are some ideas to create a vintage home   décor.


In order to create a vintage chandelier one can hang a wire   planter with strands of beads and prisms. One can also add votive candles to   complete the look.

Wall Art

Wall art can be created by sticking anything onto a frame. This   could include plates, toy train tracks or any such items.


In crystal or glass dessert dishes, a single flower can be placed.   This can be used as a vase or place setting.


Handkerchiefs can be sewn together and when attached to rings can   form pretty curtains

Piecing furniture

To furniture pieces can be added. For example, the chest of   drawers can be fitted in with a mirror or lamps can be added to   cupboards

Adding Efficiency

Instead of post its that are put on refrigerators, a chalkboard   can be fitted in a picture frame and that can be used as a rustic message   board.

Covering Up

A blanket especially if it is patterned and placed on the sofa,   makes even the most modern sofa look cosy and antique as well.


Sconces can be created out of anything. These light fixtures look   quirky, rustic and beautiful. All that is needed is a tea candle, a piece of   wood and a bent spoon.

All these are vintage home décor ideas which will not burn a hole   in your pocket and give the authentic look as well.

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