A sofa bed also called hide a bed sofa in some circle, is a sofa with a 2-in-1 functionality. The sofa which can be a loveseat or a three seater and even a sectional can be made into a sleeping bed by a simple mechanism. Such is what you have in hide a bed sofa.
This design has a bed frame and the mattress folded or hidden beneath the seat cushion of the sofa. The sofa is converted to a bed by pulling out the bed frame by first raising the top of the sofa or depending on the mechanism involved in the make. The frame is laid with an unfolded mattress to give a bed that can sleep a person or two.
Frames of hide a bed sofa
Hide a bed sofa is made of both wooden and metal frame. The wooden frame is for the sofa while the metal is for the hidden bed beneath. It is a metal design because of the mechanical movements involved in accessing the bed underneath the sofa. This can be a twist or a click.
sizes of hide a bed sofa
The different sizes of a sofa bed are relative to the sofa size. A traditional loveseat sofa should give a twin size bed. You can have a larger size bed in three or more seater sofa. Let’s say you’re looking for something of a double size or larger bed, a three seater to a sectional can give you such size.
Convenience of using hide a bed sofa
Using a sofa bed may not give you the total comfort if you want it as a persistent user. This can be as a result of the mattress size which in most cases is the twin size that may not be comfortable for adults but well fit for children’s bed. if it’s for a night or two for guests, that would be okay. Besides, you can have large size beds from some contemporary designs that are from sectionals and much higher number seaters.
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