It is very hard to clean and maintain anything that is in white or cream colour. Bags, clothes, or even pieces of furniture in our home in the whiter shades are easily prone to getting stained or dirty and hence they need a lot of attention and proper care and maintenance all through the year. Dark coloured furniture is easy to maintain when compared to the white and cream shaded sofas. Here are some useful tips to keep your light coloured sofas clean and spotless-especially the white leather sofas.
It is generally not recommended to buy a white leather sofa if you have pets in your home. But in case you have already bought a white sofa before buying your pets or if you love white leather sofas so badly that you don’t want to get rid of them for the sake of your pets, then you must train your pets to stay away from the furniture. They will cause unwanted punctures and stains on the white leather sofas if you don’t train your pets well.
Next if there are any spills caused accidentally on the white leather sofa, you must clean them immediately using lukewarm water or baby wipes. If the spills are not cleaned quickly, they get dried and become more difficult to clean or wipe later, thus leaving behind the stains that look ugly on the sofa. Also make sure that you don’t harm the leather of the furniture when cleaning stubborn stains. It is always best to use mild cleansing agents or liquid bath soaps to clean stubborn stains.
To avoid puncture of the white leather sofas, make sure that the sharp objects are not kept in contact with the sofa. You must avoid even the car keys from lying on the sofa. With proper maintenance and care you can have the white leather sofa spotless and fresh for long.
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