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The Versatile Comfort of Adjustable Beds

The Versatile Comfort of Adjustable Beds

Adjustable beds give your body and spine the right support that   normal beds often lack.  They are a   great way to alleviate various aches and pains usually caused by poor posture   and uncomfortable mattresses, while also adding a unique touch to standard   bedroom furniture.

It is incredibly important to choose an adjustable bed that will   suit your specific needs.  If you   follow the advice below, you can be sure that you have made the best   decisions!

How big   should my adjustable bed be?

This should be the first thing to consider when purchasing an   adjustable bed as the size of the bed determines some characteristics such as   the mattress and the type of motor.

  • If you want to use this bed on your own, you will probably prefer   it a single bed or a double bed that moves as a   unit.
  • If you want to share this bed with a partner, go for   A double or king-size bed that functions as two separate   sides;;  This way you   can both set up your individual pages exactly to your   liking.
  • Adjustable beds tend to push the user down a little when   adjusting.  So make sure the bed is in   place at least 6 inches longer than the tallest   user.
  • To make sure the bed will fit in your bedroom, use tape to sketch   the approximate dimensions on the floor.    make sure, that Leave at least 15 inches of   clearance between the sides of the bed and walls or other   furniture – you don’t want getting into bed to be a struggle due to a lack of   space!

What   type of mattress should my adjustable bed have?

The type of mattress you use with your adjustable bed will   determine how comfortable your night will be, especially because   Not all mattresses are suitable for an adjustable   base.  Remember that   when you buy a single or combined double bed, you only need one mattress.  When buying a double bed, however, you will   need two smaller mattresses so that the plinths can move from one another   individually!

Memory foam

  • Memory foam mattresses adapt to the shape of your   body and easy to bend to conform to the contour of the   base.
  • This means that they can support all of your body weight evenly.   Relieve pain and pressure   points.
  • It also means that these are mattresses last   longerBecause their shape is constantly changing, they don’t   wear out as quickly as other types of mattresses.

Latex foam

  • Latex foam mattresses are very similar to memory foam mattresses   as well Prevent pain and pressure   points.
  • Latex foam is however stiffer than memory   foamwhat that means the mattress must be   thinner to properly adapt to the basic contour, which can   prove to be too thin and uncomfortable for some people.
  • Latex foam mattresses can also be significant more   expensive than any other type of mattressHence, they are not   recommended for those on a tight budget.


  • The combination of spiral springs and a padded upper part makes   innerspring mattresses much stiffer than foam and latex mattresses   can cause pressure points in certain places on   the body;  This contradicts the main   goal of adjustable beds to make sleeping more comfortable and not more   painful.
  • These mattresses also have limited flexibilityTherefore,   they have to be replaced more frequently, as they are quickly worn out by   changes in shape.
  • However, spring mattresses are usually A much   cheaper option than memory foam and latex foamand so it may be   the only option available to some people.


  • Only very special models of air mattresses with adjustable bases   can be used.
  • When you choose an air mattress, you choose a model   with multiple chambers Single-chamber air mattresses are   usually too stiff to accommodate the adjustable base.
  • Air mattresses are usually Not recommended for   adjustable bedsSince changing their contour can impede airflow   and decrease support, it effectively goes against the goal of these types of   beds.

How   thick should the mattress be for my adjustable bed?

Your mattress must not be too thin or too thick for your   adjustable bed.  If it’s too thin,   you’ll feel uncomfortable all night.    If it is too thick, you will not be able to adjust the bed   properly.

The ideal thickness for adjustable bed mattresses is   between 6 inches and 12 inches.  The stiffer the mattress, the thinner it   should be:

  •     Memory foam mattresses are very flexible and   should therefore be between 10 “and 12”.
  •     Latex foam mattresses are a little stiffer   than memory foam mattresses, so they should be between 8 and 10   inches.
  •     Spring and air mattresses are the stiffest and   should be between 6 inches and 8 inches.    **

What   type of motor should my adjustable mattress have?

Motors drive your adjustable bed and allow it to change shape   without having to manually rearrange it.    It is important to understand the pros and cons of both cheaper and   more expensive engines so that you can make an informed decision based on   your specific needs.

AC motor

  • Alternating current is electricity that is most commonly used in   households.
  • Motors that use alternating current are usually   quite loud and expensive, but very durable.
  • They are a great option for those who are searching   a longer term investment with her adjustable   bed.

DC motor

  • Direct current is electricity that is most commonly used in   automobiles.
  • Motors that use DC power are usually smaller.   quieter and cheaper, but less durable than AC   motors.
  • This is a great choice for people who are still unsure whether   they want to keep an adjustable bed for a long time and would rather not   spend a fortune on it.

No matter what type of engine you choose, try to get one with a   long warranty.  This is because the   longer the warranty, the more likely the engine will last.

What   type of controls should I choose for my adjustable bed?

You can use the hand controls to adjust the contour of your bed   base and mattress.  They must therefore   be easily accessible and easy to understand.    There are three types of adjustable bed controls that can meet   different needs.


  • Wireless remotes are great if you prefer a more discreet look in   your bedroom as you don’t have to worry about annoying   cables.
  • Wireless signals, however can sometimes interfere   with other household appliances like microwaves and   telephones.
  • Also, these remote controls are easy to lose and the bed won’t   move without the remote.


  • Wired remote controls are attached to the side or back of the bed   with a wire.
  • Instead of using wireless signals, the remote control sends signals   to the motor over the cable no interference with   other household appliances.
  • It is practical Wired remote controls cannot be   lostSo you don’t have to worry about them being accidentally   misplaced.


  • As the name suggests, this type of hand control is integrated   into the bed either on the side or on the headboard.
  • Built-in controls look nice, but are stationary and so on   You may have to go down the bed to access themwhich   may prove impractical for some.
  • Beds with built-in controls are also available   quite expensiveSo treat this as a more luxurious   option than a practical option.

What other   functions can my adjustable bed have?

In addition to the basics of an adjustable base, there are a   number of features that you can add to your adjustable bed.  Here are just a handful of the options   available and their benefits.


  • Although this sounds like something out of a science fiction   movie, the zero gravity feature is something very real and very   useful!
  • This is achieved by simultaneously lifting the backrest and the   legrest simulate the feeling of total   weightlessness.
  • This will help Reduce pain and pressure   points in the body, as well as helping to   relax.


  • Adjustable beds can help a lot Reduce your   partner’s snoring if they have a tilting head and neck   section.
  • This section keeps your head tilted slightly up while you sleep,   opens your airways and prevents you from snoring.


  • A massage feature is a great option for those looking to relieve   back pain and joint pain.
  • Make sure you buy a mattress with a built-in   massagerAs a massage unit that simply attaches to the bed, the   bed just vibrates without calming any deeper tissues in your   body.

Bed pad

  • Most adjustable beds come with a divan style   basewhereby drawers can be installed to create   additional storage space.
  • Everything can be stored in this room, from spare laundry to   winter clothes to old books.