The hardwood flooring like any other flooring requires care. They are less prone to stains or hold dust like carpets but still they accumulate dirt and improper care leads to a reduction of life along with giving a bad impression to the guests. The Hardwood floors need immediate care after their installation to extend their life. Due to improper installation and poor maintenance, the life of the hardwood flooring is compromised.
Advantages of Hardwood flooring
The greatest advantage of Hardwood flooring is it requires less maintenance and simple steps can make it look as new as after installation. It is also very durable and as it does not attract dust makes it the preferred choice. It also protects one from common allergens due to its resistance to dust. The elegance it provides makes it one of the strong contender among different flooring options. It is also environmentally friendly.
Drawbacks of hardwood flooring
You can not have flooring with no disadvantages. The trick is to choose the flooring with more advantages than disadvantages. The major disadvantage of hardwood flooring is its sensitivity to changing climatic conditions. For dry climatic condition, hardwood flooring is not preferred. It is also costly and is not suitable for installation in high-moisture environments.
Factors to consider when choosing Hardwood flooring?
The Hardwood flooring should be chosen keeping in mind the traffic expected. For high traffic areas, it may not be best suited since laminated flooring can better withstand high traffic. You should also consider the climatic conditions in your area since weather can affect hardwood flooring badly affecting its longevity. The fluctuations in weather could cause wooden panels to expand and contract to create gaps in the flooring.
Despite few disadvantages, hardwood flooring is popular due to their aesthetic appeal and also its least cost of maintenance. it is also easier to install. The advancements in technology for installation have enhanced the life of hardwood floors. It is also affordable for businesses as well as families to use them as preferred flooring option. You can decide on Hardwood flooring if you find that the climate in your area has little variation and sufficient humidity which can help hardwood flooring being damaged. It is also the best option for commercial establishments. They are suitable especially for Gyms and other establishments in the area of dance and aerobics etc.
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