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Should you opt for laminated wooden flooring?

Should you opt for laminated wooden


Have you always been awe-struck by the sight of a hardwood floor?   Dou you agree with the fact that a wooden floor improves the aesthetics and   beauty of the house and that it makes the house look luxurious and premium?   Have you ever thought of buying a hardwood floor but stopped because it was   expensive? If the answer to all of this is YES, then you will be glad to know   that there is a way to make your dream come true without compromising on your   budget or pocket. Yes! I’m talking about Laminated Wooden Flooring and this   article I will be telling you the benefits of a laminate floor and its   potential drawback.

Pros of Laminate Floors:

Let’s have a look at the major benefits of laminated wood   floors:

The first benefit that laminate floors have over traditional wood   floors is that they are much cheaper and lighter in the pocket than their   wooden counterparts. This feature is especially encouraging for people who   operate on a tight budget.

The second best thing about laminated wooden flooring is that   since it isn’t made of real wood the chance of bacteria, termites or any   other pest forming or residing on this floor is none. This means you save   lots of money on fumigation services. This will also benefit your health in   the long term

Laminated floors can replicate both dark and light colored   wood.

Cons of Laminate   Floors:

However, they have some drawbacks which are as   follows:

The worst thing about laminated hardwood floors is that they will   emit a hollow sound whenever you walk on it. This also contributes to the   artificiality of the floor and makes you realize that it is not the real   thing after all.

One major area of concern of laminate floors is that when buying   them, you have to be careful of its quality because if the quality isn’t up   to the mark, then you will see that your floor won’t survive long and   deteriorate in a short span of time. Therefore, it is important that you buy from   a vendor who can give you, at least, five-year guarantee.


We have considered in detail both the pros and cons and I have   come to the conclusion that considering the price of laminated hardwood   floors it is a bargain and worth buying.

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