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Selecting the Perfect Hues for Your
Bedroom Décor

Selecting the Perfect Hues for Your Bedroom Décor

Your   house is your haven and your bedroom is your sanctuary. A bedroom is a place   where you feel your most comfortable hence the color you choose for your   bedroom is of prime importance. You do not want the wrong colors to mess up   the ambience of your bedroom.

These tips will make sure you always choose the right bedroom   colors.

  • Your favorites: Make sure you know   what your favorites are. Pick a color that brings out a good mood in you. If   you choose a bedroom color you do not like otherwise, it will ruin your room   for you.
  • Lighting: Lighting is very   important. If you want to choose a darker shade of color make sure your room   receives a lot of sunlight and if not sunlight there should be enough   lighting in the room otherwise choose a light color shade.
  • Furniture: you need to make sure   that the color that you are choosing for your room matches your furniture   like the color of your bed or closets. The color of other things like the   rugs and curtains also matter.
  • Size of the room: While choosing   bedroom colors, the size of the room matters. If your room is small you   should use light color shades, like white or light peach to make your room   look more spacious. Dark colors will make your room look   smaller.
  • Be creative: you don’t have to   choose a single color to paint your whole room. Be creative and match   different colors and patterns to give an artistic touch to your   room.
  • Always test the color: Before you   begin painting you room, it is wise to test the color on a patch of wall just   to make sure that it goes with your room.