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Ergonomic Office Chair Tips for Improved Workplace Comfort

Ergonomic Office Chair Tips for Improved
Workplace Comfort

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Often times, buying a new office chair doesn’t get the attention   it deserves.  In fact, the majority of   people likely spend more time (and money) choosing a desk.  What they fail to take into account is that   if you work 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, you will be spending 10,000   hours in that chair for the next five years.

Why   is it important to know a little about your work habits and your office   before buying an office chair?

Knowing what you are using the office chair for and how to use it   are probably the two most important factors that should influence your   purchasing decision.

If you’re an executive who spends part of the day in front of your   computer, but also spends long hours in meetings with colleagues and   visitors, you definitely need this a fully adjustable   chair This allows you to sit back and look relaxed and   friendly when someone is on the opposite side of the desk.  However, when you work on your computer,   you get the neck, shoulder, and back support you need.

Someone who uses their office chair solely for computer work   should do so Put more emphasis on ergonomics   (see below).

What   is ergonomics and how does it affect me when choosing an office   chair?

Ergonomics is the science (or art if you wish) of   Design your workplace so that efficiency and comfort are   optimized and the risk of injury is minimized.  The whole thing can get extremely   academic.  In fact, we wouldn’t be surprised   if there are people who have PhDs in ergonomics.

Since this is not a science class, we’ll try to keep things more   practical.  The following are the main   ergonomic factors to consider when choosing an office chair:

The 90 degree rule

Dr.  Matt Tanneberg of the   University of Pittsburgh says a red flag is that an office chair may not suit   you if your knees, hips, and ankles aren’t comfortably resting at a 90-degree   angle.  In other words.  If your hips aren’t at a 90-degree angle,   the chair is likely too short or too long for you.  The same goes for the ankles and knees.   All joints should preferably stay at a 90-degree   angle.


The important thing here is that the backrest should be   adjustable. You may find it comfortable to sit   in the chair for two minutes, but after five hours you may feel   different.  The backrest should also   properly support the curve in your lower back.  As a general rule, The   backrest should follow the shape of your spine. The back of   the chair should be Reach at least as high as the center of   your shoulder blades to adequately support this section of   your back.  It is even better if it   reaches over your shoulders.


Feet should be comfortable rest flat on the   floor. If not, make sure the chair has a footrest.  Otherwise, your feet could be kicking in   the air like a toddler on his father’s office chair – both uncomfortable and   weird.


Armrests should be fair close to your body.   Obviously, you don’t want the experience to feel like being squeezed together   by a gorilla, but your arms should be able to comfortably rest on both   armrests.  Otherwise, you will put a   lot of strain on your shoulders and neck.    Read that again.  You have no   idea how many Millions of people suffer from constant neck and   shoulder pain because their office chairs force them into unnatural   positions.

You also need to be at a comfortable height.  Armrests with adjustable   height settings are a good idea in this regard.  If you do a lot of computer work, and   depending on your desk configuration, consider armrests that allow you to get   as close to your desk as possible.

Is an office chair without armrests a good   idea? The short answer is no.    If your budget is extremely limited, it might occur to you to skip the   armrests entirely.  You will certainly   save money, but without this vital arm and shoulder support, you will pay   later – in terms of both dollars and pain and suffering.


The seat of the chair is, of course, the area where most of your   weight will rest 10,000 hours over the next five years.  There are two important principles   here:

  • Size. The seat shouldn’t be too short   or too long.  This of course depends on   the length of your thigh so all you have to do is sit down and make sure   goes up to a few inches behind the knee. Two to   four inches behind the hollow of the knee is generally considered a good   average.

  • Seat material / cover. If you save in   this area, both your bum and lower back will pay the price going forward.   Memory foam remains one of the best choices as   it just doesn’t wear out as quickly as ordinary foam.  The cover of an office chair should be easy   to the touch.  Avoid abrasive materials   or materials that could cause your body to overheat or cause itching.  A medium-texture breathable cover should   eliminate most of the above.

  • Shape. You can stimulate blood flow   to your legs by choosing a seat edge that is slightly rounded   and slopes downwards. The University of Pittsburgh calls this   a “waterfall front”.  Avoid   anything with a sharp edge like the plague.

  • Thickness. It’s easy to make a   mistake here.  It doesn’t matter   whether the seat is made of memory foam or not.  If he’s too thin, it can cause significant   discomfort.  In this regard   Take your body weight into account and the size   and shape of your floor.  If you have a   thin, pert behind you, you should be able to sit comfortably in a   medium-thick seat, but larger floors are more weight and require more   cushioning support.

How   important is it for an office chair to be adjustable?

Of course, when you’re buying an office chair for a specific   person who will use it for a specific type of work at a specific desk, being   able to customize it isn’t as important as when you are buying one   Used by more than one person for a variety of tasks over a   period of time.

Modern office chairs often offer a variety of adjustment   mechanisms, including Movable lumbar support, adjustment of the   tilt tension and control of the tilt angle.

A swivel chair is also equipped roll   allows you to move from one part of your desk to another with ease.  The same is true if you have a printer or   other modern electronic device that isn’t on your desk and you often want   easy access to it without having to get up all the time.

What   role should aesthetics play when buying an office chair?

For some people, what the chair looks like is of the utmost   importance, for others it is less important.    However, there are a few points that all office chair buyers could   benefit from:

Your office furniture

If you have a fairly large office with a tasteful, timeless   ambience, come with a chair a more traditional design covered   in leather or maybe good imitation art could be a good   choice.  The situation is different if   you e.g.  For example, you’re the   female design manager in a modern advertising studio and the rest of your   office says, “I’m a millennial.  I’m   chic, I’m in ”.  In this case   A very modern chair in trendy colors should do   the trick.

Your point of view

It’s not hard to imagine how your job could affect your choice of   office chair.  We addressed this in the   previous paragraph.  Your office chair   says something about you.  So make sure   he says what you want.

If you’re the CEO of Microsoft, your office chair should shout,   “I’m the boss.  I’m a nice guy to a   point.  But I don’t play around.  ” Think Fully   adjustable, thickly padded, neutral colors that convey a sense of quality,   reliability and authority.

As a junior manager, when you choose an office chair for your   first real office after years of living in a cubicle, you probably want your   chair to say, “Watch me.  I’m on my way   up even though I’m not quite there yet.    ” Modern design, lighter colors than the boss’s   office chairand contemporary materials should do   it.

How   often should I replace my office chair?

Experts recommend that you replace your office chair   every five years However, this can depend on   many factors including the number of hours the chair is used during an   average week, the weight of the incumbent, how often he or she jumps up and   down or swings the chair, or as a trampoline.

The golden rule is The moment you start developing   all sorts of pain In your back, shoulders, or neck, it may be   time to replace your office chair.

When you consider the general guidelines and tips above   when choosing an office chair, you can look forward to years of satisfactory   service.  It’s not rocket science, in   fact, office chair hunting could be a lot of fun.  Enjoy!

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