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Hand-tufted rug uses high quality wool so that the end product looks much like a hand-knotted rug. Unlike hand-knotted rug, hand-tufted rug is made without tying any knots. It takes a fraction of time for making a hand-tufted rug, thus it greatly reduces the cost. As a result, hand-tufted rugs are much affordable rugs as compared to the hand-knotted rugs.
How hand-tufted rugs are made?
Hand-tufted rugs are created using a tool known as a tufting gun. The tufting gun is essentially used to tuft the twisted strand of fiber into a canvas in order to form a rug pile. It begins with a canvas pulled tightly against a metal frame. The design of the rug is first drawn on the canvas which is used as a stencil for the rug maker. The rug maker then uses the tufting gun to punch the wool strands into the canvas. This process is rather quick and easy as the tufting gun is a motorized tool. The rug maker has to be trained enough to punch the strands of wool into the areas as marked, but otherwise it is somewhat a straight-forward process to proceed. Now, as the yarn is punched into the canvas and not knotted into it so, a thick layer of glue is applied at the back of the canvas so as to hold the yarn in proper place. Also, another layer of fiber is used to cover the glue applied. The pile of rug appears very compatible or consistent and feels flat since it is essentially tufted with a tool or machine. Another thing to bethink is that the twisted strand is mostly machine spun opposed to hand-spun. This is done to guarantee a smooth operation of the ‘tufting gun’ which will be able to work only if the strand is regular and smooth. The finished product is a tufted rug that appears to feel perfectly compatible and clean. It can resist high traffic.
Advantages of hand-tufted rugs
Hand-tufted rugs are much more affordable as compared to hand knotted rugs.
Hand-tufted rugs are excessively durable since they are made from the same quality of cotton and wool as in hand-knotted rugs.
Hand-tufted rugs have somewhat the same appearance and look from the front as in case of hand-knotted rugs.
Disadvantages of hand-tufted rugs
Hand-tufted rugs are not considered as one of a kind of collector type pieces.
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