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Creative Ways to Enhance Your Fireplace with Stylish Screens

Creative Ways to Enhance Your Fireplace
with Stylish Screens

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Now that we’ve looked at the key considerations when buying a   fireplace screen, let’s take a quick look at some of the popular styles.  


Really antique fireplace screens are extremely hard   to find in modern times, but ancient replicas are   generally available.  If you are interested in a geometrically   intricate design that catches the eye, you may want to consider a screen   under consideration Art deco   style.

The Art Deco design style originated in France before World War I   and was heavily influenced by different styles that everyone wanted to be   modern in appearance.  The result was a series of highly geometric   designs that emphasize symmetry and contrasting shapes   to create dynamic images.

Victorian era brass replicas are another way to add a   “classic” appeal to your living space.  These brass pieces are generally large in   size and have features swirling and dragging waves and   curlsthat stand out and calm the mind.


Contemporary modern chimney screens commit yourself   to a sleek, refined Look that goes well with modern   decors.  Add contemporary screens   refined elegance for most apartments, but goes   particularly well with decors that focus on clear lines and subtle   surfaces.

If you play sports at home a modern and   minimalist Look, a contemporary style black screen should show   off your home just fine.


Scenic fireplace designs often have references to nature, which   are then underlaid by a metal wire mesh.    Designs can include interlocking branches that add a soft touch,   depictions of wildlife and nature scenes, starry skies, and even recurring   geometric patterns fit well in a modern   home.

Scenic fireplaces tend to be cast interesting   shadows and can provide its own representation under the right   circumstances.

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