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Counter height dining table – yes or no?

Counter height dining table – yes or no?

Dining   table is one of the essential furniture items in any house. When it comes to   dining tables, there are so many options available for the people. The worst   part is that people go for any dining table before knowing their pros and   cons. Counter height dining table is one of the most common dining tables   nowadays. So many people are going for the counter height dining tables. If   you are looking to buy the counter height table, you need to have a look at   the below mentioned.


Good for small space:

The counter height tables are perfect when you have space issues.   They are smaller in size and can fit easily wherever you   want.

Perfect for tall   people:

The counter height tables are perfect for the people with tall   heights. It makes them fell a bit comfortable as it is according to their   level.

Casual feel:

The counter height tables provide a casual feel. If you are a fun   loving individual or family, you must go for it.

Best with high   chairs:

The tables work best with the tall chairs. Your feel may not touch   the ground but it will be provide comfort while eating.


Not safe for kids:

If there are kids in your house, no need to go for it. It is not   at all safe for your kids and they may fall.

Not formal:

The tables are not meant for formal occasions.

Less comfortable:

The tables are not as comfortable as you may expect.