Along with a robust culture, Brazil is synonymous with some of the most exotic species of the plant kingdom. Of them the hardwood tree Jatoba is the unmistakable winner. This hardwood is considered to be the most luxurious flooring option because of its bewitchingly dramatic blood-orange color. This lovely wood is better known by its misnomer- Brazilian cherry. It is not a cherry tree- it is referred to by this name because of its luxurious cherry color. The name “Brazilian cherry” was adopted for the American market since Jatoba hardwood resembled the domestic cherry hardwood.
Properties Jatoba wood was first imported to the United States from Brazil about 20 years ago to cater to the needs of the furniture makers. However, the exceptional hardness and density, combined with its beautiful color, made it a perfect wood for flooring. When freshly cut, the heartwood ranges in colors from salmon red to orange brown. On seasoning, it eventually darkens to a deeper russet red interspersed with dark brown streaks. It acquires a luxurious golden luster which adds a layer of depth that makes Jatoba hardwood breathtakingly bewitching. The Brazilian cherry wood is twice as hard as the red oak, which is the benchmark against which the hardness of all other wood is compared.
Brazilian cherry wood is resistant to scratches, dents and high traffic wear. Its hardness makes it synonymous with durability and will last for decades (since many historical homes boast of this wood being used in their original flooring, the life of this flooring can span centuries). The Brazilian cherry traps far less amounts of pollen, mites, mold, animal dander and other allergens making it a healthy flooring choice. It is pest resistant and is therefore a wise flooring investment.
The Brazilian wood is a practical choice when it comes to many building and carpentry work like flooring, making cabinets, furniture, support structures, acoustics and other special objects. However, extreme care and caution must be exercised while installing the floor as gaps might occur while nailing the boards on account of its hardness. Enlisting professional help for the installation would be a wise option. Brazilian cherry is a premium natural product and is much sought after, not only for its hardness and durability, but also for its bewitching beauty.
Owing to its sturdiness and the myriad hues of bewitching browns, it is an excellent choice for both residential and commercial usage. Brazilian cherry wood being a premium natural flooring product may not fit every budget. However, the beautifully warm and bewitchingly exotic look of Jatoba hardwood flooring – or Brazilian cherry – can be created using laminate flooring.
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