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The Iconic Barcelona Chair: A Timeless

The Iconic Barcelona Chair: A Timeless Design

The Barcelona Chair is undoubtedly one of the symbols of modernism   in the 20th century and will set a new standard in furniture design in the   coming decades.  Its design embodies   both of its creator’s famous credos: “Less is more” and “God   is in the details”.

The design has been reduced to the essentials, which makes the   shape of the chair very minimalist and pure.    The chair consists of three main components: a stainless steel frame   and two tufted leather cushions.  The   frame consists of two x-shaped sections that serve as chair legs and supports   for the cushions.  Its unique X shape   is achieved through the use of curved steel strips that are welded at the   interface.  The welds are ground and   polished, which gives the frame a smoother look and looks like a single,   seamless piece of metal.  The cushions   are made from cowhide.  After cutting   into square sections, the leather is tufted and framed to form rectangular   cushions and placed on leather strips that are riveted to the frame of the   chair.  The overall look of the chair   is extremely appealing and stylish.    It’s very proportional and balanced, and the use of the frame makes it   look both airy and light.  Unlike fully   upholstered furniture, it does not obstruct the room in which it is placed,   but improves the perception of spaciousness.    Even today, almost nine decades after its presentation, when modernity   is no longer an extravagant or radical concept, the Barcelona chair has   neither aged nor become banal.  It   still looks fresh and contemporary.

The Barcelona   Collection

1929 the German pavilion at the International Exhibition in   Barcelona.  The futuristic structure of   glass, steel and marble, which soon became the benchmark for modern   architecture, was the place where the Spanish King Alfonso XIII.  The German part of the exhibition   opened.  The pavilion contained two   extraordinary chairs and a pair of matching stools – together they formed the   cornerstone of Barcelona’s famous furniture collection.


The design of the Barcelona collection, as well as the pavilion   itself, were created by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe – the legendary modernist   and an icon of 20th century architecture and design who abandoned the idea of   ??decorative, bourgeois shapes in favor of elegance and   simplicity.

The origins of furniture designs can be traced back to the   beginning of the modern movement.    Contrary to the historical trend of incorporating the past into   furniture design, this era was defined by the idea of ??creating timeless,   universal objects that withstand the passage of time.  This belief led to simpler, cleaner designs   that were less likely to become obsolete.    The concept of the simplified design was later developed by the   Bauhaus, with which Mies van der Rohe was closely associated.  The main principle of the Bauhaus was to   make everyday mass products beautiful and yet practical and still make them   accessible to ordinary people.  The   idea of ??making very simple and fully functional, yet elegant and stylish   objects, was present in the design of the furniture in the Barcelona   Collection from the very beginning.  In   fact, not only was such furniture on display, but the two chairs were   designed to provide comfortable seating for the King and Queen of Spain   during the opening ceremony of the exhibition.