Selecting a modern open plan kitchen designs

Kitchen designs have undergone some   radical transformation in few years. And there is a wide range of designs to   choose for your dining room. A kitchen design has a portfolio regarding   different dining looks that are quite attractive and may be a basic design   for an …

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Introducing the Luxurious Lounge Chair – CH

The CH101 Lounge Chair is one of the lesser-known but still   outstanding designs by Hans J. Wegner.    Designed in the early 1970s, the chair was only manufactured in small   numbers and discontinued soon after it was discontinued.  The chair was forgotten for more than three   decades …

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The necessity of modern dining room

These days, you cannot find people   who hate decoration and grand decors to keep it in their home. Since, people   of today’s generation would like to incorporate the style and fashion into   their residence. So, the decoration turns as a necessary one. While it comes   to …

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How to place the bedroom furniture if you have a small bedroom?

If   you have a small bedroom, you might already know that you cannot pace all   your bedroom furniture in it. While a bed is must, it consumes most of the   space in the room and you are not left with a lot of space for other   …

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Know something to beautify your living room

On   the off chance that you could just pick one room in your home to put your   complete self into outlining, the living room would beat the rundown. It’s   that loved space that sets the tone for your whole brightening style. From an   extravagance penthouse living …

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Top 3 living room décor ideas for a modern house

Whether   it’s a new house or an old one that you are looking to remodel, you need some   great ideas, so you go about the process with confidence and looking forward   to having a beautiful modern home. Here are top three living room décor ideas   to …

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Iron furniture – exquisite to have

People   really get exhausted in selecting the furnitures for their homes. Also, today   is not like the olden days. Since, in ancient days, people have no such   options in choosing the furnitures and decors for their dwell. Most probably,   they have wooden furniture alone. But now, …

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What are the benefits of installing patio blinds?

If   you built or got build a patio in your house, now is the time to decorate it.   You would obviously keep a couple a chairs and may be a small table. Also you   can hang a clock or some art. But the most important part is …

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Creative Ways to Illuminate Your Space with Floor Lamps

Would you like an inexpensive and warm light?  =>   Lightbulbs Incandescent lamps are the lowest cost lamp available because of   their long history and extensive compatibility with the vast majority of   lamps.  They generally produce a warm   glow, but lack the overall brightness of their competitors.  …

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Brightening Up Your Kitchen with LED Lighting

Kitchens   are considered as the heart of the house. These are the most visited rooms in   the house. The kitchens provide a nice place for the families to sit together   and rejoice quality time with their loved ones. Depending upon the importance   of this room, it …

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