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Outdoor Wicker Patio Furniture

Outdoor Wicker Patio Furniture

Wicker garden furniture requires special care. Improper care can worsen the natural basket under the influence of moisture and sunlight. If you want your wicker furniture to last a long time, make sure you have finished or coated it. If you are looking for longevity, you must opt ??for wicker furniture that does not consist of a synthetic basket. However, maintaining your furniture can extend your furniture life by a few years.

Natural pasture must be kept away from external influences

Natural pasture can dry out quickly in direct sunlight. The natural moisture is derived from the wicker fibers. These also rot if they are exposed to too much moisture. Regular cleaning with a soft cloth or vacuum cleaner and placing the furniture in a sheltered place can extend its life.

Use furniture made of durable materials

Wicker, acrylic and PVC wicker furniture is suitable for outdoor use. These are more resistant to external influences and are best for decks and uncovered terraces. Many high-quality wicker furniture is provided with UV coatings that prevent damage and do not fade.

Follow the correct cleaning scheme

Wicker furniture must be cleaned accordingly. It is important to remove the dirt that accumulates in the tissue. The largest part of the dirt can be removed with a strong jet with a hose. You can also use detergents. Use warm water and a fiber brush or cloth to remove stains.