Home / Tables (page 19)


Why you need to have a small kitchen table

While   it is good to invest in high dining tables, you do not need to do away   completely with small ones as you might require them when you want to do some   small tasks that do not require big dining tables. So if you gave out your …

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Glass tables: bringing modernity to the room

Home   are now all about looking modern and elegant at the same time. When   decorating your home you need to pick out the right furniture and one of the   most important furniture are the tables. Tables come in countless different   designs but when talking about modernity …

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Avoid scratches on your glass dining table

The glass dining table is one of   the most beautiful pieces of furniture which can be appreciated every day.   But for the same beauty and elegancy you have maintain your glass table as it   look new as well as perfect for ever. Thus, there are some points …

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Multi-purpose bed sides tables

Convenience is the biggest   advantage of bed side tables. We want everything to be within our easy reach.   This makes bed side tables highly useful. With today’s high rise beds you   would like to buy bedroom side tables that are high enough to be at level   …

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Oak table and chair- durable and versatile

Furniture make a perfect statement   for a home, either it is table, chair or a cabinet in your living room,   kitchen or a bedroom, it will definitely leave an effect how your room feel   and look. Thus, the furniture must be chosen perfectly among others which   …

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Placement of side tables for living room

When it comes to your living room   that also known as a drawing room then there are various pieces of decorative   furniture which will be going to adorn it. Your living room is an area where   television is often placed and it is good to relax and …

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Round patio table – a must have for one and all

Are you currently in need of a   decorative item that can be put to use when required? If that is just the   thing that you want, then all you have to do is to go for the round patio   table so that you can have the service …

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Some tips for game table and its arrangement

A   table, which is specially designed for some games called game table. Some   games are played on the table. Every game has some rules and regulations for   how to play it. So the table should be designed as its need. Every table can   different in size …

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Interesting Tidbits About Sofa Tables

The   sofa table is very useful since they divide and punctuate a living area from   the kitchen or dining room. They also provide an excellent storage and style   to any space. The sofa table can be used to   store small items, board games or they can …

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Some tips for game table and its arrangement

A   table, which is specially designed for some games called game table. Some   games are played on the table. Every game has some rules and regulations for   how to play it. So the table should be designed as its need. Every table can   different in size …

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