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Imagine yourself just like a visitor and interior home design

Imagine yourself just like a visitor and
interior home design

Interior of the home tells about   your taste and personality. It is a mirror which reflects your nature. If you   make your home well decorated and keeps it clean and tidy, it will flow a   good vibration. It will keep your health good. It will give a stress-free   life. Before decorating your home think about you and your family members.   Think about their daily routine as well as how you live?

Every room, kitchen,   bathroom and every area in a home keep their own identity according to its   use. We should keep in mind every area when going to decorate home. Determine   your budget and start interior of your house. Do paperwork for every activity   which you do for decoration, like how does the furniture place? What is the   process for lighting?  In which order the furniture will be installed?   What is the color combination of every place?

Here we are presenting some   tips and ideas for how to design the home and give a classy look to   it:

  • Space planning- It is the first step towards the interior of your   home. Decide the proportion of the area which every room, kitchen, hall or   bathroom contains. Decide the area wisely. Because a wrong decision makes   spoil your home. Take this decision according to your   desire.
  • Decoration- Decoration is that work which prepares this area for   use. You should decorate your room according to your need. Lightning plays   the main role for actual visualization which you want.