Inventive Ox Chair Designs for Your Home

One of the most exciting creations from ‘The Master of the Chair’,   the EJ100 Chair, commonly known as the Ox Chair.  Rumor has it that the Ox Chair is the   personal favorite of its famous designer.    At least partly due to its unusual design and futuristic appearance, …

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The funky furniture designs, looks marvelous

The furniture, an important part of   a house. We spend a third of our life on sitting them. Hoe much we think   about its designs? If you are crazy about home decoration, give a funky look   to your furniture. That contains a huge area of your house. …

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Choose teal rug for your beautiful house

“TEAL RUG” means the fabric of a   house. A piece of thick heavy cloth smaller than a carpet for covering part   of a floor is called rug. If you are so much concerning about the decoration   of your house, RUG is the important part of a house. …

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The Beauty of Wine Barrel Tables

A good oak barrel is an excellent base for a table.  But why should a barrel be used for a table   base?  The answer lies in the process   of making wine. A long time ago the Egyptians, Romans and other people in the   Mediterranean used to store …

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Gothic furniture buying guide

Gothic   furniture makes its way into one of the most beautiful and elegant artwork   types exemplifying the gothic architecture brilliantly. This style of   architecture is also known as French architecture style. Some notable   characteristics offered by the architecture include the use of ribbed vaults,   pointed …

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Decorative Wall Medallions

Decorative wall medallions have been used in many different   ways.  They can be commemorations, a   university landmark, or even part of a worthy representation before a court –   a sign of local traditions. Commemorative or ornamental items Wall medallions can be painted on a wall or placed …

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Designing a country kitchens

Kitchen is one of the most   important rooms amongst all the rooms in the entire house. And now people use   to pay a lot of attention towards their presentation as well as decoration.   Today, architectures use to provide different decorations and designs for   making each kitchen …

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Broyhill bedroom furniture – magnificent one to have

Broyhill is a special kind of   furniture which surely increases your taste and style of your dwell without   any doubts. Also, in this type, you could address various furnitures right   from bedroom furnishings to dining room decorations. Also, these furnitures   are fabricated just to match the …

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Cherry Wood Bedroom Furniture

The bedroom is perhaps the most important room in any home.  It is the place to relax after a long day   and as such you need to make sure that it is as comfortable as possible.  Buying new furniture is the first step in   this direction.  The idea …

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Decorative Olive Oil Bottles

Enhance your home decor and preserve the quality of your olive oil   with decorative olive oil bottles.  Not   only are decorative olive oil bottles used for their style, they also allow   for easier pouring of oil without further cluttering your table or   kitchen.  It is one …

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