Bathroom trends – explore the all new ones

Your entire house went through   decoration, but the bathroom is left till now? Want to get it totally   remodeled in a new trend? Want to give it a starred hotel like finish and   make it comfy zone for you? Want to spend some more lavish time in …

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The Art of Billiard Room Decor: Elevating Your Space with Style

Billiards is a game that has been around for a long time.  It is believed to have evolved from lawn   games such as croquet, bocce, and bowls.    When the game moved indoors, it was originally played on a table   covered with a green cloth to simulate a …

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Round patio table – a must have for one and all

Are you currently in need of a   decorative item that can be put to use when required? If that is just the   thing that you want, then all you have to do is to go for the round patio   table so that you can have the service …

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Cream leather sofa- an ultimate choice for a room

A room can get its identity from   the furniture it has, thus a huge range of furniture are available in market.   And while considering the furniture choice for your room you must ask some   question to yourself regarding its color, style and fabric. As cream leather   …

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“the folding door” gives a pleasant visuals and useful to making some space

The folding door means a door which   is opened by fold the door. It is basically designed to give a marvelous look   as well as save space. If you want to use the space beside the door, theses   doors are the best option to do this.  These …

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Modern time kitchen pantries

Kitchen pantry is a small room,   cabinet or closet, which is mostly, located in or very near to the kitchen   for the storage of the food products and in most of the cases, it is used for   storing the kitchen wares. Since the kitchen pantry doesn’t controls …

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Choosing the right loloi rugs for all the rooms in your home

Selecting   the right type of rugs for all the rooms in your home can be an overwhelming   task. You need to make a lot of choices from the colour of the rug, its size,   the pile height, etc. A popular brand of rugs is the Loloi rugs …

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How to look after your slate flooring

Slate   flooring is known to be very attractive and porous but they are very prone to   stains and they always need special maintenance and care to look good.   Therefore how can you keep the flooring spick and span? Clean the floor You have to thoroughly sweep the …

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Get quality furniture from sofa sofa

This   is a family furniture stores that makes quality sofas and chairs. They also   make chesterfields and sell. So those people interested in quality furniture   can get furniture from SofaSofa. Instead of selling to shops they wanted to   sell directly to the public from their workshops …

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The Versatile and Customizable Appeal of Modular Alno Kitchens

Kitchen is the prime center of   happiness in a home. Food is cooked with a pinch of love in kitchen. Hence, a   kitchen should be planned and organized in a proper way. The modern world   demands an organized kitchen as nobody have time to struggle for the …

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