Give an attractive look to your home entrance with door canopy

“Door canopy” in short we can say   it a guard of the door. Canopy means a frame, which is assembled on upon the   front door for protecting it from either rain or sunlight. There are many   designs available in the market. The door canopy is available in …

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The Versatile and Functional Secretary Desk: A Timeless Piece for Your Home

Antic / rustic These are the closest to the original French   Escritoire stylewhile maintaining its   18th century aura – baroque and lavish in appearance and crafted with   passionate complexity.  Their   outstanding properties: Mainly solid wood construction Elaborate carving and inlay with mainly decorative   shapes Paw …

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The Experts’ Nightstand: Exploring the Belongings of Knowledgeable Individuals

Can you imagine how out of place a mirrored bedside table would   look in a white shabby chic bedroom?    The right material depends on how you plan to use your bedside tables,   but most of all on the rest of the furniture: think about what you already …

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Features found in modern house plan

Years ago people believed that home   is where the heart is, but nowadays, with the advent technology, nothing is   same. Technology advancement along with the attachment of hi-tech equipment’s   and gadgets provoked people to find solace at a sign sight. Thus regarding   all this the design …

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Show your status with the unique coffee tables

Unique coffee tables are widely   used to serve various drinks like tea or coffee. Moreover, the coffee table   is a need of every home. To show your status to the guests, try unique as   well as expensive coffee tables play an ultimate role. Through unique coffee   …

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How to choose the home interior design to give it a classy and royal look

The interior of a home gives the   actual structure to it. It completes a home for use. Firstly think about the   space that you have and decide a budget that you want to spend for the   interior of your home.  A home has many parts like a …

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Seating furniture – sleeper sofa sectional

Furniture   is meant to fulfill two prime motives – comfort and style, and a good   furniture piece is the one which is as much comfortable and reliable as it is   stylish and elegant. Furniture is not worthy of called so, if it is not   comfortable, and …

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Bring home your own italian leather sofa

You   might make a lot of decisions in your life. Many of them would be really   important decisions. And they definitely include the decision of picking out   a sofa for your living room. Laughing at that thought? Well give these few   things a thought and decide …

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What you need to know about leather sofas

Leather   Sofas has been used by many people nowadays. They look to be decorative, and   many people have found it to be very modern. The other reason the use of   leather sofas has been common is because they are durable, attractive and   come in different styles. …

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Get the perfect vintage bookcase for a bookworm

Do you have a bookworm? Are you   perfectly confused about what you can give to that bookworm? If that is the   thing that you are worried about then you can go for the vintage bookcase as   because it is a thing that is related to the books …

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