Creative Ways to Maximize Kitchen Sink Storage Space

Ask any housewife what the most disorganized part of her home is   and she would no doubt point to the storage space under the sink of her   kitchen. The clutter of pipes and dripping water is known to be tough to   deal with, so you often end …

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Splash colours with outdoor cushions

Living in warm climate with the   additional woes of frequent power cuts usually forces the dwellers to spend   more time outside the house in veranda or backyard, rather than staying holed   up inside the house. So for those who have to embrace long warmer months,   decorating …

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Get the best kitchen lighting fixtures

Lightening fixtures are widely used   nowadays by everyone for the kitchens. These kitchen lightening fixtures are   used to a lot different types of lights for different work. Now those days   are end when one center light is used in a kitchen for lightening the   complete kitchen. …

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Reinvent your home with landscape design ideas

Any wonderfully laid landscaped   garden or lawn catches the attention of everyone. If you really wish to have   a beautifully landscaped garden at your home, you first need to decide if you   want to hire a professional for his landscape design ideas or do you want to …

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Creative Rocking Chair Designs for Ultimate Comfort

Are you looking for a piece of furniture with which you can calm   your nerves in no time?  Look no   further than a rocking chair! A famous painting in the Musée d’Orsay in Paris is called   “Arrangement in Gray and Black No. 1” but is better known …

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Some useful tips for room interior design

The   décor of a house is what makes it into a home. You buy an empty building and   transform it into a special place. Besides working on the appeal you also   need to ensure your comfort. And to do that you should be very particular   about …

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Features found in modern house plan

Years ago people believed that home   is where the heart is, but nowadays, with the advent technology, nothing is   same. Technology advancement along with the attachment of hi-tech equipment’s   and gadgets provoked people to find solace at a sign sight. Thus regarding   all this the design …

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Disadvantages of cork flooring

If   you are planning to change the flooring of your home and are considering cork   flooring, remember that cork flooring carries a number of disadvantages.   While there are certain advantages as well, but when compared to other   flooring options, cork flooring generally falls short. To make …

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Creative ideas for bedroom designs

Most of the modern bedrooms these   days follow a theme which is a part of the interior design and evident all   around the house and especially in the bedroom designs. The modern bedroom   designs are simpler in nature and calls for more open space than in   …

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Tips for choosing black kitchen cabinets:

Black   can be a very controversial and difficult choice in terms of selecting it for   your home tiles and ceramics etc. everybody likes to use the kind of colour   combination in their home that makes it look at wider and fresher. Black is a   very difficult …

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